How to produce it
To make the pasta, the wheat for grinding is selected according to its hygienic, chemical and physical properties.
The grain is then brought to the mill where it is firstly screened and cleaned from any crop impurities.
Then it is ground, obtaining best quality semolina. Only durum wheat is used for the production of pasta, whereas soft wheat and the flour obtained from it is intended for bakeries and the confectionery industry.
Durum wheat is mixed with pure water, and the starch and proteins bind with the water and gluten, a protein network that binds the hydrated starch granules, starts to form.
The mixture then takes on its characteristic look. During the next phase of thorough kneading, the dough becomes smooth and elastic. Pasta is a type of food made exclusively from processing durum wheat semolina and water. It contains neither salt, nor preservatives or dyes, as these are strictly prohibited by Italian law.
Once the dough has been made, it is drawn into molds that give the pasta many shapes, designed by the imagination of the pasta masters. At this stage the process isn't completed, as the mixture still contains too much water - about 30% of its weight, which means that in this condition the product could not be preserved. The pasta is put into kilns to reduce the water content and make it suitable for storage.
The duration of this process varies, depending on the type of pasta that is being produced. The drying phase is the most delicate moment of the whole production cycle. The pasta is dried by ventilation with hot air and low temperatures - generally between 45°C and 50°C – for up to three days. Even in this case, the law is very precise, the final moisture content should not be more than12.5 %.
The following cooling phase brings the pasta to its final temperature. Once cooled, it needs to be packaged, either in cardboard boxes or in transparent bags, protecting the product from potential external contamination and presenting it in such a way as to provide adequate information to the consumer.